DEXA Bone Scan (Hip and Spine) - > 50 yrs
DEXA (Dual Energy X-ray Absorbtiometry)
DEXA scan is a test used to measure bone mineral density. It is one of the most accurate ways to diagnose osteopenia or osteoporosis. The results from this test can be of great help to monitor your osteopenia treament plan. It can help your doctor to decide if you need to make adjustments in your plan.
DEXA scan may be advised if you have:
- A fracture following a minor fall or injury
- Loss of height due to fracture of a vertebra (back bone).
- Taken steroid tablets for three months or more.
- An early menopause (aged less than 45).
- A history of periods stopping (amenorrhoea) for more than one year before the menopause.
- Other disorders associated with osteoporosis such as rheumatoid arthritis or coeliac disease.
- A family history of hip fracture on your mother’s side.
- A body mass index of less than 19 (that is, if you are very underweight).
Who should not have this test?
- If you are pregnant or suspect pregnant
- If you have had another X-ray with contrast media in the last 7 days (Gastrointestinal tract study, CT scan or nuclear scan).
How should I prepare for the test?
- If you are taking calcium supplements, stop taking them for 48 hours before your test.
- If you are taking any medications for osteopenia or osteoporosis, do not take them the day of your test.
- Wear loose clothing that has no metal zippers, metal button etc.
- Remove all jewellery
- Inform the radiographers if you have had any hip or back injury.
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